World Class Engineering Tools

engineering for Success

Tackpoint is the only low volume extreme application focused bearing manufacturer worldwide to use the same top tier tools as the slower, bureaucratic corporate behemoths.

We spare no expense in procuring and training on state of the art engineering tools. It doesn’t matter how well a bearing system is made if it’s not designed flawlessly for the application.

Mesys Bearing System Analysis

Our Mesys supported capabilities allow for modal analysis of bearing systems, providing animations illustrating load positions, temperatures, run speeds and more. Tweaking parameter permutations gives us the ability to anticipate and design around the effects of changing clearances, misalignments and imbalances.

Mesys Shaft Calculation Module allows the calculation of coaxial shaft systems considering nonlinear stiffness of rolling bearings.

Every single Tackpoint design is analyzed and verified through the Mesys Rolling Bearing Analysis Module. It determines the load distribution within the bearing and the bearing life according ISO/TS 16281. The influence of tilting angles or bearing clearance on bearing life can be evaluated. The FEA based calculation for roller bearings allows to consider the deformation of rings for the load distribution within the bearing.

Ultimately we can predict and improve critical bearing life making your job easier and your planning more accurate.

Abaqus Finite element analysis

Tackpoint regularly solves for various systems ranging from traditional loads to highly nonlinear systems with many complex contacts under transient loads. Abaqus’ suite of sophisticated finite element analyzers aids us in making the perfect bearing for your application.

Abaqus/Standard is a general-purpose Finite-Element analyzer that employs implicit integration scheme (traditional).

Abaqus/Explicit is a special-purpose Finite-Element analyzer that employs explicit integration scheme to solve highly nonlinear systems with many complex contacts under transient loads.

Simpak Multibody system simulation

Non-linear motion is our bread and butter. Simpack helps our engineers to generate and solve virtual 3D models to predict and visualize dynamic motion, coupling forces and stresses.

Our representatives are experts in the field. Let’s talk about how to design a solution for your system.

Solidworks Pro and PDM Pro

This tool ensures efficient management of model / drawing lifecycle management with customized lifecycle options and offers smooth interaction with advanced FEA software.